17 March 2012

vSphere 5 Lab Setup pt 7

Continuing from part 6, we now come to the point where we can power on our
VMs .  Still using “dstor.lab.none” as a stand in for “dstor0”,
right-click on the VM within the vSphere client and select “Open

vSphere 5 Lab Setup pt 6

In part 5, we created our infrastructure VMs, now we'll take care
of additional VM configuration and adding our boot ISOs to our local
datastore on pesx0.  Picking up where we left off in part 5, in the
left pane, select dstor0 (dstor.lab.none will stand in in the following)

vSphere 5 Lab Setup pt 5

Continuing from part 4, now that our network infrastructure on pesx0 is
setup, we can start creating our infrastructure VMs.  You have a variety
of ways of creating a new VM.  With the ESXi host selected (only thing
selected at this point?) on the left pane,  you could click the “New

vSphere 5 Lab Setup pt 4

In part 3, we installed the physical ESXi host (pesx0) and performed
minimal configuration tasks.  In this post, we'll be managing pesx0
through the Windows-based vSphere client which is loaded on fenster.
(fenster is the Windows 2008 management VM that we setup in part 2.)

vSphere 5 Lab Setup pt 3

In part 2, the management workstation host (glados) and its components
were configured.  This post details the installation and initial setup of
the physical ESXi host (pesx0).  I was hesitant to include the following
as a separate post since it is mostly just the installation process of